Pleasant Valley High School has had many students roam its halls, and as time passes, more and more students join the ever growing community. One student who has recently joined, Rosemary Jones, or more commonly known as Rose, moved here her sophomore year and continues to attend PV now as a junior.
She, like many students at PV, are part of a family that are constantly on the move. “ My dad serves in the military, so we move quite a bit.” says Rose, “I enjoy being able to move around and live in many different places, but I hate the process of finding new friends and friend groups to be apart of.” So far, she has lived in Kansas, Hawaii, Alabama, and Korea. Moving itself can be a hard task, from packing to saying goodbye, it can take a toll on both parents as well as kids. “It sucks that after I move, I’m never able to really stay in contact with my old friends because we usually drift apart,” Rose explains, “ but I always make the most of the move, and so far my stay at PV has been really welcoming, I made friends right off the bat when I first came.”
During her free time, Rose likes to bake. Ranging from pastries to breads, she loves them all. “I like to bake because I love sweets, and making something that I can share with others.” Rose says. She also likes spending time with her friends and reading.
Like most students, Rose also works to have spending money; although not the typical part-time job at Hy-vee, she dog-sits as well as babysits for neighbors and friends. “I want to get a normal job, but since I never know when I’m going to move, I usually keep away from the normal part-time jobs. I think in college I’ll probably find a real part-time job.” says Rose. Although she doesn’t work on a weekly basis, Rose finds other ways to occupy her time.
In the past, she’s participated on the swim team in Korea and various book clubs. To add to her list of extracurriculars, this year she’s joined Pleasant Valley’s Robotics team and is a proud member of Everything That’s Radical. Within the team, she is in charge of fundraising and is currently working on making bracelets to increase team spirit as well as raise money for materials and other supplies that the robotics team purchases.