Lily Williams

Research has suggested exposure to guns, video games and pornography all have effects on a boy’s mental wellness.

Toxic Masculinity: Why boys are becoming more violent

“All but one of the 62 mass killings in the past 30 years was committed by boys or men. We respond by blaming guns, our inattentiveness to mental health, violence in the media or video games, or family values. Yes, all are players, but our daughters are able to find the same guns in the same homes, are about as likely to be mentally ill, have the same family values and are exposed to the same violence in the media. Our daughters, however, do not kill. It is our sons.” –Warren Farrell, USA Today

This report aims to examine this problem.


Broken boys
Real men don’t cry
Fear for the fatherless
Exposed and uninformed: boys’ introduction to sex and pornography
Grab ’em by the…
The roots of violence

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