Selfie from Sharon Zenil’s freshman homecoming, a passage for most high schoolers.
Chapter 66: Sharon Zenil
While just getting acclimated to high school, Sharon Zenil has already found subjects that have sparked her interest. Zenil, unlike some people, does enjoy high school thus far. She especially appreciates her art and Japanese class. Zenil excels in school in terms of grades, making the honor roll in Junior High.
In her free time and in art class Zenil enjoys drawing. She likes mainly likes to draw characters and enjoys making comics. She also is inspired by realism, which represents and certain scenario or person in a truthful, realistic way.
When choosing a language most people will jump to Spanish or French, but Zenil is fascinated by not only the Japanese language but the Japanse culture. She thinks that Japanese is a really pretty language to hear and speak.
Zenil also shied away from Spanish and French for other reasons. “I can pretty much fluently speak Spanish, and know a little French,” she shared. She comes from a predominantly Mexican family and her mother does not speak English. “I have to forcefully know Spanish in order to communicate with my mother,” she said.
She is also intrigued by anime, which is a type of animation that originated in Japan. Many of the characters she likes to draw, tend to fall into the realm of anime. She enjoys both reading and watching the Japanese genre. Her favorite series’ include My Hero Academia, Twin Star Exorcists, Kill la Kill, and Naruto.
Along with watching and reading anime, Zenil enjoys listening to music. Her favorite artist is Melanie Martinez, and she enjoys alternative and rock music.
Along with her mother, Zenil lives with her brother. Her brother is 11 years old and is in sixth grade at Riverdale Heights Elementary School. Currently, her father lives in Texas with another portion of her family. Zenil and her family lived in Iowa until she was in sixth grade, they then moved to Mexico and moved back when she was in eighth grade.
Although Zenil has a while before she needs to make any big life decisions, she hopes to attend college post-high school. She is currently interested in attending FIDM which is short for the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. She hopes to carry out a career in fashion design, or animation.