New student continues to follow military aspirations

November 19, 2019

Caleb Hawbaker

Kim Marovets holds her grandson: a young Caleb Hawbaker.

Senior Caleb Hawbaker recently arrived at Pleasant Valley and is hoping to make his way into the Air Force.

Hawbaker enjoys spending time outside, fishing, hunting and playing rugby, however he aspires to serve his country. After just moving the Quad Cities from Waverly, he hopes his various interests will connect him with the community.

Hawbaker has been inspired by members of his family that were also in the military, “my grandma was in the Army, my grandpa was a Marine and my step dad was in the Navy,” he explained. The military presence in his family led him to explore the options, which led him to choose a different branch than those of his family.

“My preferred branch would be the Air Force,” he said. “After meeting with all of the different recruiters I believed it best suited me.”  The Air Force is one of five main military branches and can be described as “[t]he nation’s source of air and space power.”

The Air Force was particularly attractive to Hawbaker due to the education benefits. GI bill benefits would allow him to serve and pursue further education, an option well-suited for Hawbaker.

Joining the military is a personal decision. For Hawbaker, his relatives who served opened his eyes to the possibilities. However, from talking to them, recruiters, and doing his own research, he set his focus on a branch less known to his family. 

His grandmother, Kim Marovets, is a veteran, and she is thrilled her grandson is choosing to take on this path. “I did a tour in Iraq while serving in the Army,” she said. “I am very proud that Caleb is considering joining the military.”

For Marovets, joining the military is an accomplishment. Hawbaker will carry on a legacy, and his grandmother will watch him become a role model. ”I believe that he will be a good example for his brothers and sisters,” she said. 

Hawbaker’s military future is not locked in; he still has some time to ensure this is the path he wishes to follow. But as of now, Hawbaker plans on getting an education, serving the country through the Air Force, and making his grandmother proud.

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