Brandee Noellee via Pixabay
Prom season is here again, and with it, there’s the need to ask someone to the dance. There are many ways to do this. However, there are also many ways to do this the wrong way.
Some people, when asking, do one of three things. One is that they go way too far with it. This could make an awkward situation, especially if the two people don’t know each other that well. Another way to go too far with the promposal is by buying the person something expensive.
The second thing people sometimes do, the opposite to the first, is to not even try with the promposal. This can make the whole event feel ordinary, like nothing special. Even if people are going with their friends, they should put a little effort into the promposal. A great example is asking someone with a sign with something simple, like their favorite candy. This way it’s cheap and kind of special, but at the same time, it’s not too serious.
The last way involves finding that happy medium, keeping the relationship in mind. This will set up the prom experience to be fun and special.
The promposal that someone chooses can determine what the overall experience of prom will be. Obviously if someone did a funny promposal, they would expect to just have a fun night together. The promposal is not an exact picture of what prom will be like, but it just gives both parties a visual of what might happen.
Some last advice for the bros trying to figure out what to do: do whatever feels right. Don’t feel pressured into asking someone a certain way. Realistically, just do what feels right, and that will probably be best.