Chapter 34: Noel Pearson

Pleasant Valley is well known for both academic and athletic success, having a large quantity of impressive student athletes. One student who embodies this title is sophomore Noel Pearson who is a member of PV Platinum, the school’s dance team. Outside of dance, Pearson is also a motivated student. When questioned about her favorite aspect of Pleasant Valley, Pearson concluded that the class choices and extracurricular activities offered at the school were the best things about the school. This makes sense considering Pearson’s academic and athletic success.

Platinum has been known to have a very talented group of dancers, winning multiple state titles over the past few years. Pearson, a first year varsity member, helped lead her team to victory this year when the team won first place in Poms. Pearson says this is her favorite memory of high school thus far. “It was incredible to win a state title because we had worked so hard all season,” says Pearson, “and it was just an amazing feeling to know that all that hard work paid off!”

Teammate and Pleasant Valley senior Rebecca Abdullah recognized Pearson’s accomplishments both on and off of the dance floor. She commented, “This is her first year on varsity and she has become one of the strongest dancers on the team.” She continued on to say, “Noel is a go-getter, she is a hard worker, and she is supportive of all her teammates. Overall, Noel is a well-rounded student, athlete and dancer.”

In the next couple of years, Pearson will continue to participate in Platinum and achieve academic success. In the future, she hopes to do something with biology or genetics for her major in college. You could not ask for a student athlete more kind, motivated and hardworking than Pearson. She possesses all of the qualities that a teacher, coach or fellow student could ask for.

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