Despite the rumors of pushing back first semester finals in the event of another snow day, it will not happen. The idea was initially proposed because of the current imbalance of the semesters. First semester originally had 88 days and second had 92 days. Due to the snow day on Nov. 26, the semesters became even more imbalanced: first having 87 days and second 93.
Principal Mike Zimmer relied on staff opinions to make the final call regarding the decision. Staff responded that if there was not another snow day by Thanksgiving, the schedule should be left alone. Zimmer stated, “This is what I think is valuable about how we work in this building and that is I don’t give an edict. Rarely do I give an edict. I want some input on what’s going on.”
Although staff input was greatly valued in making the final decision, Zimmer considered what is fair to the students. Pleasant Valley offers many semester long classes which are very affected by the imbalanced semester. Currently, the same course in second semester will have an entire week of extra instruction when compared to the same class in first semester.
“The bottom line is what is the fairness to a student?” Zimmer said. “So I wanted to make sure that whatever the expectations were for learning in the two courses that you’re still okay even though one is a week longer than another.”
After discussing with the department heads, Zimmer determined that the best decision- for staff and students alike- was to stick to the original schedule.
However, this may not be the only difficult decision Zimmer has to make regarding first semester finals. There is the looming possibility of a snow day on the Wednesday, Thursday or Friday of finals week.
“If that happens then I’m going to have to think about that because I do not want to have one semester ending in the middle of the week then the next day you come back new semester. That’s what I’m trying to avoid. Staff needs to get their grade books done, seating charts, they have a lot to do.”