In an ever-changing world, it is important for us to learn how to communicate with everyone around us.
At Pleasant Valley High School, we are lucky to have many options for us to learn a foreign language. PV has the common ones, Spanish and French, but we also have some different ones, such as Japanese and American Sign Language.
American Sign Language (ASL) is a newer language to PV with it being available for two years now, and it has only been recognized as a foreign language since the 1960’s. Rachel Souhrada, senior, is the one who pushed for ASL to be offered at PV and told me, “ASL is the 3rd most common language in the US.”
Souhrada also said ASL is an easier language to learn for kids with dyslexia or other learning disabilities due to its visual nature.
Another language that isn’t common in schools is Japanese. Maya Sheybani, senior, says, “I think having a more unique selection of languages available at PV could make students more cultured and worldly than students at other schools.”
Sheybani and Souhrada aren’t the only ones who believe in becoming more cultured. Stephanie Risius, known as “Señorita” to most students, is a Spanish teacher at PV and has been teaching here for 14 years.
Risius believes it is very important for students to learn about other cultures with today’s society being such a global one. Risius says, “It is small-minded for us as a society to believe we are the only people in this world.”
Even though you may think it is ridiculous to have to learn a language to graduate, just remember you are becoming more culturally aware.