Nick Kamp (left) prepares to pass to his teammate Kate Stewart (right) while being guarded by Jacob Holland (center).

Quint Thompson ties his shoe before starting the game.

Katie Bullock cheers on her team from the sidelines while Noah Streeter keeps track of the score.

National Honor Society executives Natalie Murphy, Gui Pinho, and Jacob Bandy (left to right), create the brackets for the next round of playing.

CJ Ragins has possession of the ball.

Quint Thompson, Varun Vedula, Ely Adams, and Zach Hoover (left to right) watch some other teams play while they have a break.

Susan Anil (left) and Sara Russell (right) enjoy their time on the court.

Darsh Balani (center) is guarded by Julia Hillman (left) and Adrea Arthofer (right)

Natalie Murphy signals the start of the next game.

Brett Ahlgren leaps over Bri Brauner, startling her in the process.

Hunter Snyder (right) prepares to take a shot while Ely Adams (left) and Quint Thompson (center) watch closely.

The team Space J.A.A.M. celebrates after winning a game.

Anna Griffin, Bri Brauner, Julia Hillman, and Adrea Arthofer (from left to right) win the consolation bracket.

Brett Ahlgren, Hunter Snyder, and Carter Duwa pose after winning the 3v3 tournament.