Subtitles: the abnormal norm

Jack Donahue, Opinion Editor

The use of subtitles when watching shows or movies has become a common debate amongst social media platforms. 

On Twitter, @lostattsea created a funny tweet emphasizing their support of the use of subtitles that went viral that has caused some dispute among students in classes in high school.

One of the many reasons for the use of subtitles is to combat background noise. Senior Noah Humphries argues that there are easier solutions to this problem than using subtitles. “Turn up the volume. That way you can just relax and listen to whatever you are watching,” Humphries said.

On the other hand, fellow senior Carter Cline is in full support for the use of subtitles. “Turning up the volume doesn’t solve the issue because usually people in the background just start talking louder and there’s always an imbalance,” he said, “They [subtitles] are more helpful because you just read when you miss a word or two.”

Some students, like senior Adrian Swanson, do not prefer one option over the other. “If they are off, I will keep them off. Or if they are on, I will keep them on. It doesn’t really matter,” he said.

Perhaps students with similar opinions to both Swanson and Humphries should reconsider their viewpoints, as studies have shown people in favor for the use of subtitles reap benefits from them.

Several studies have confirmed that the use of subtitles enhances various areas of reading for children, people with disabilities, and even adults. Some of these skills include reading speed, reading fluency, vocabulary knowledge, and more.

Confirmed by the Spartan Shield’s Twitter account’s poll, people who use subtitles at Pleasant Valley High School are in the significant minority. Only 33 percent of students who answered the poll are in favor of the use of subtitles. However, this minority group uses them for practical reasons and enhances their reading skills while doing so.

Even though subtitles do cover up some of the ongoing action in a show, the benefits outwigh this minor complication. Missing an important line in the show can result in confusion to the overall plot and reduce the a misconception of the show, as well enhancing reading ability.