Remember a time where Santa was the biggest excitement of the year? To many children, Santa is the figure to look up to as an example of holiday spirit. It is important as elders to those children to continue the tradition of believing.
In order to make the holidays special, the wonder must be preserved in Christmas. What better way to peak the curiosity of children in an ever-changing society than to give them a glimmer of hope? Allow children to continue to be curious and imaginative this Christmas.
Unfortunately, our society also has a habit of sharing everything we know in order to maintain dominance. However, children deserve to have some extra curiosity and wonder in their lives. It’s encouraged to keep the curiosity in Christmas by sharing in the special traditions of the holidays. Senior, Kinsey Paulson, says, “I think that waiting to tell kids about Santa preserves their innocence and the Christmas spirit which makes the holidays more enjoyable for everyone.”
According to, “The realization for kids comes gradually, rather than through one defining moment, said Slotterback, who conducted a survey of college students about their family memories of Santa Claus.” CNN also reports, “Rather than breaking the news to kids, let them figure it out, experts advise.” Children are smart about their reason and tend to figure things out at a young age, but it is best not to break the news in a traumatic way. Finding out gradually, rather than spoiling the magic, can be the key to preserving some of the magic of Christmas.