The issues of climate change and global warming are impending on both our planet and humankind. As a society, we have been aware of its potential dangers for years but not much has been taken to prevent it.
On March 1, 2023, we saw one potential example of climate change. In Los Angeles, 12 feet of snow covered the city, being dubbed a “once-in-a-generation” storm.
However, this isn’t the only example of such climate change in this past month. For many years, there have been satellites that measure the ice levels around the world. And on March 3, 2023, the satellites recorded the lowest ice levels of all time.
A decrease in sea ice will, in turn, cause the sea level to rise. Although the ice isn’t the only thing that affects sea level, it plays a large role. Antarctica alone has enough ice to raise sea levels by many meters if it were to melt.
Dr Ariaan Purich, a climate scientist at Monash University, had a severe warning regarding climate change. “Everyone should be concerned about what’s happening in Antarctica,” she said.
Despite this warning by Dr. Purich, the knowledge of what is going on in Antarctica is unknown by many. A lot of people know about climate change but just don’t understand the severity of it or how climate change can affect them personally. “I have obviously heard a lot about climate change but I don’t really know anything about it or why it is important,” said Pleasant Valley senior Oscar Olsen.
This is a problem that Pleasant Valley Environmental Club leader Anagha Sudhindra noticed in her community at school. “A lot of people view climate change as a distant and unlikely problem, but in reality, it is a global issue looming in the near future which will affect so many people,” she said.
Her club aims to help fellow students get involved and care about the environment. “The main goal of the club is to make people aware of environment-related issues while also introducing them to different actions they can take to make a local difference,” shared Sudhindra.
With climate change issues becoming more and more prominent across the globe, our generations need to be educated on the topic in order to help preserve our home.