According to the CDC, high school students should be involved in at least an hour of physical activity everyday.
When it comes to meeting the physical requirement in gym class, there are a few common approaches. One of these methods consists of being enrolled in a strictly lifting or gym class. The second method takes a different path, one with more freedom and multiple choices of different activities.
Pleasant Valley has a schedule where students take either a lifting class or gym class. Students are not permitted to take both. “I play a variety of games during gym with my friends,” said Pleasant Valley senior Connor Schutte. Schutte is enrolled in gym class and often participates in a multitude of sports ranging from basketball to archery.
Lifting is another class students can take for physical education. “I wouldn’t be opposed to playing games unless it takes away from my time for lifting,” said senior Bradyn Fairman. As a busy athlete, Fairman takes advantage of his time lifting weights at the school.
“School lifts help me be a successful athlete,” stated Fairman. Lifting is essential for his success as a varsity baseball player.
Bettendorf has all their students engage in different units that consist of various activities. During gym class, Bettendorf students participate in units that can consist of various sports and games. After the first part of the class period, the students are encouraged to choose to participate in games, lifting weights or walking.
Incorporating freedom to gym class allows for students to have more fun by participating in an activity they truly enjoy. “Gym class helps me by getting cardio and interacting with new people,” said Bettendorf senior James Porter.
This method of gym class also creates a fun environment where students choose what they want to do and who they hang around with. “I like to lift with my friends after playing dodgeball,” explained Bettendorf varsity baseball player Colby Scott. Scott finds it important to have lifting as an option so he can become a stronger athlete.
Both methods meet the requirements of physical education in different ways. Pleasant Valley takes a more practical approach by focusing on strengthening their athletes, while Bettendorf uses their time to encourage fun while also growing their athletes.