The hit TV show, “Young Sheldon” has captivated audiences since its 2017 debut. Based on the sitcom “The Big Bang Theory,” the show follows the lives of a brilliant boy and his family.
The main characters in the show include Sheldon, his twin sister Missy, his older brother Georgie, his father George Sr., his mother Mary Cooper and Connie “MeeMaw” Cooper. The pilot begins with 9-year-old Sheldon heading to his first day of high school and the next 6 seasons delve into his life as a child genius.
As with any family, navigating relationships can be challenging. Avid “Young Sheldon” viewer Ryan Pottratz said, “In ‘Young Sheldon’ the humor and conflict in the Cooper family reflect the complexity of many families. Sheldon’s unique perspective shows how quirks can both challenge and strengthen family bonds” expressed Pottratz.
One thing “Young Sheldon” does an excellent job of is displaying typical family relationships. Sheldon and Missy are twins who couldn’t be more different. Sheldon is bright, responsible and cautious while Missy is loud, wild and of average intelligence. A common misconception is that sets of twins have similar abilities and interests, but the show brings awareness to the individuality of twins.
Pottratz acknowledged this phenomenon and was able to make a connection to his own life. “It’s really amazing to see the directors of the show embrace the differences between Missy and Sheldon. My twin brother and I are completely different people with opposite interests, so I like that Sheldon and Missy are characters I can relate to” said Pottratz.
Additionally, Mary and George Cooper begin to battle with their marriage and boundaries in later seasons. Instead of tailoring the show to a stereotypically happy resolution, the producers tried to make the interactions between struggling couples realistic.
Although some say the ways George and Mary deal with their temporary split aren’t the healthiest, the show exhibits real-life situations viewers can relate to. “I think that the relationship issues in the show are realistic because they show struggle. They show the fights for attention between siblings and the need to be appreciated by the important people in their lives,” Kate Dougherty commented.
The family relationships and dynamics presented in “Young Sheldon” allows viewers to relate to and find comfort in their own family dynamics.