Pleasant Valley High School’s November production of The SpongeBob Musical captivated audiences young and old with stellar vocals, a killer soundtrack and talented cast. While the musical promoted the obvious motifs of friendship and teamwork, members of the drama club embraced themes of sustainability and awareness.
Prop crew members used materials like Sprite cans, cardboard cereal boxes, Coca-Cola boxes, plastic packaging and more in the construction of their set. The goal was to use anything and everything that could possibly make its way to the ocean floor.
Assistant Director and Stage Manager Jilian Garris explained the process behind incorporating “trash” into props and costumes. “This concept has been around in most productions of the show, although some tend to lean into it a bit more than others. The idea is that if it’s an item that is seen as litter and could feasibly make it to the bottom of the ocean, whether that be plastic straws, soda cans or that plastic netting on produce, it was all fair game to incorporate somehow into our designs,” said Garris.
With over 80% of marine pollution being plastic waste, it was imperative that the drama department used plastic and recyclable materials in their production to remind viewers of the current environmental destruction and inspire them to make a difference.
Set crew member Ezra Dodd helped build the set, noting the crew also used repurposed plastic and cardboard in the design of the set. “The materials were mostly brought in by members of the theater community, including a lot of pop cans, cardboard, milk jugs, and other random items,” shared Dodd. The false prosceniums were also made of entirely recycled materials and trash.
However, the set wasn’t the only part made of recycled material.“I think my favorite costume that was created was the costume for Mrs. Puff, which used the packaging and actual cans from Coca-Cola,” stated Garris. The costume crew also used green Sprite cardboard for the stars on the costumes of the sardine ensemble during “Super Sea Star Savior.”
PV’s The SpongeBob Musical creatively combined theatrical entertainment and environmental advocacy by incorporating recyclable materials in their props, costumes and set. The musical not only charmed audiences but also brought light to the pollution affecting our planet.