Starting this school year, PVHS’ A Positive Place Club and Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) partnered together to bring feminine hygiene products into girls’ restrooms.
The club collaboration began in October, when members of the clubs came together to begin planning the hygiene drive. In December, both clubs created a hygiene product proposal and invited Mr. Jones, the assistant principal, and Mrs. Rhoades, the school nurse, to gain approval and feedback for the drive.
The hygiene drive strives to create a comfortable learning environment for students. “Our aim for the hygiene drive is to provide students with the products and support they need to feel their best and learn comfortably,” said A Positive Place co-leader and junior Siddhi Bharadwaj.
For the past two months, the clubs have been collecting donations- both monetary and physical. Just two weeks ago, the club began distributing products among the girls’ bathrooms. Additionally, there is now a stocked hygiene closet in the locker room in the downstairs gym with products and toiletries so each product can be accessed by students anywhere in the building.
As the initiative gains momentum, all participating clubs have received growing positive feedback. “Everyone has really liked the idea and like what they have seen so far. They think it is important and helps our school overall,” expressed FCCLA leader Laura Machetta.
The collaboration doesn’t stop there. The Art Club contributed to this project by decorating upcycled cardboard boxes to house each of the hygiene products. “When we started the hygiene initiative in APP, I thought it would be cool if Art Club would design boxes to put the products in,” said junior and Art Club president Sherry Tang. “In APP, we talked a lot about destigmatizing menstruation while we were initially planning the project; by making the boxes pretty, it makes the products more friendly to use.”
Not only did these clubs contribute to creating a comfortable environment for students, but they also fostered a sense of community among the student body.
PV administration has been incredibly supportive of the initiative and has seen the positive impact on the student body. “We are at our best when we are supporting others and I’m happy to support student’s effort to make this happen. I am very proud of our students for their initiative, organization and desire to help others, ” expressed associate principal Jason Jones.
The clubs are continuously working to expand the drive with their next goal being to bring the initiative to the bathrooms at the junior high. To contribute, any donations can be dropped off in the Nurse’s office.