“13 Reasons Why” is a television show that was released onto Netflix, a popular television streaming network, on March 31, 2017. Since then, the show has gone viral. It portrays a girl in high school, Hannah Baker, who was bullied and committed suicide. Hannah left behind tapes explaining all the reasons why she decided to make the choice she did. People everywhere are now talking about the show, and making comments about it on social media, one account said, “It’s sad that it has taken a Netflix show to make people realize that words hurt, and suicide is very real.”
The show is very controversial right now, due to the fact that suicide is very sensitive and people didn’t want the show provoking kids to do it. Each tape in the show is about a different person or a different reason, in which she says is one the reasons she committed suicide. All in all the show was getting negative feedback because Hannah was blaming people instead of her mental illness.
Fortunately, the show has brought about a lot of attention towards suicide awareness, and showing young people that it is okay to ask for help. Suicide has become far too common in today’s society, and you never know when it could affect you.There are many signs of depression, anxiety, bullying and other things that could lead someone to think that suicide is their only way out. Here are some tips that the show is hoping to get across in order for viewers to see the warning signs:
- Depression is a main factor for teen suicide. Signs that someone you know may be depressed are if they seem sad, distance themselves from others, losing interest in things they used to care about, or even talk about death. If you think someone you know is depressed, it is okay to seek the help of others.
- Unfortunately, bullying in schools and on social media are very common, don’t be a bystander and take action if you see someone who is being bullied.
- Self-harm is a huge warning sign for people who may be suicidal, don’t be afraid to approach a friend if you see that they may be engaging in self-harm. If you are uncomfortable doing so, notify an adult who your friend is comfortable around.
- Increased alcohol or drug use is also a sign of depression or that someone may be suicidal. If you notice this about someone you know, help them engage in activities that keep them away from alcohol and drugs, or simply ask them if they need help.