As many know, students aren’t the most fond of going to school. Nerve-wracking tests, piles of homework and impatient teachers sum up the day for a typical student. Although countless students find school to be the epitome of hell, there’s reasons why there are tears during graduation, or tears during senior nights. Students are given the opportunity to socialize with other students every day, whether it’s bonding over a stressful class or being involved in school run activities. Connections are made that will not be forgotten. Sadly, some kids don’t get to experience this. Some kids don’t get to experience this because they are home schooled, a setup for being isolated from the outside world.
Those who are homeschooled are not given the opportunity to socialize as much as kids who attend school. Being able to socialize is a vital part of a child’s developmental health, as well as improving social skills. Homeschooling creates an obstacle for children to create friendships, along with the concern of becoming socially awkward. These characteristics set up home schooled kids for failure in the future. If social skills are lacking, it’s going to be challenging to get a job as strong social skills are a must when it comes to interviews. Not only does homeschooling take away social convenience, but it also can harm the relationships.
Students who are homeschooled may be around their children too frequently. Parents play the role of being a parent and being an educator. These two roles usually don’t mix well together. It’s challenging to find a balance between the two. When the balance isn’t there, both the child and parent may become impatient or lash out. Additionally, motivation is lost. All students learn differently, and some do well when in a competitive atmosphere. It’s impossible for a competitive atmosphere to be present in homeschooling because homeschooling is an independent learning program.
If teetering between homeschooling and attending school, attending school is the way to go. The goal is to provide the best atmosphere for the youth community. Attending school will help students thrive socially, as well as a drive for success!