It’s fair to say that most teens are tired. Everyone’s different, and there are different reasons regarding why people may be tired. However, overall fatigue may be a warning sign of Iron Deficiency Anemia, as it’s the most common nutritional deficiency globally.
Iron Deficiency Anemia occurs when the body is unable to make hemoglobin, due to a lack of iron entering the body. This most likely means that foods rich in iron, such as red meats, fish and spinach are not being ingested in an appropriate manner, or, hence, at all. The missing hemoglobin leads to the low production of red blood cells, and less oxygen reaches the cells and tissues. This is an issue, as iron is a vital part of assisting the body to function properly.
Although fatigue is the overarching symptom of Iron Deficiency Anemia, it’s important to be skeptical if other symptoms are kicking in. These symptoms include pale skin, weakness, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, feeling light headed, cold hands and feet, brittle nails, and a lack of appetite. Battling these symptoms can make one day feel like a lifetime. Gretchen Strobbe, a senior, suffers from Iron Deficiency Anemia, along with the painful symptoms.“It’s hard enough for everyone to get through school and practice, but with low iron levels, it just seems like you can never keep up,” she says. This anemic nightmare seems like it will never end. However, there is a solution to this problem!
Iron supplements are a helpful part of boosting iron levels for those diagnosed with Iron Deficiency Anemia. Taking these iron supplements should NOT be resulting in self-diagnosing. It is very important to seek care from a health care provider before taking the supplements.
Maddy Licea, a sophomore, is a user of iron supplements.“Having iron deficiency anemia is very exhausting and causes me to bruise a lot. Sometimes I take iron tablets to boost my iron levels, which can be helpful,” she says.
If experiencing any of these symptoms, it is highly recommended to consult your doctor, who will then recommend getting a blood test. If the results of the blood test show that iron levels are low, your doctor will suggest an appropriate dosage of iron.