Bonjour, Pleasant Valley’s featured group is arguably the most chic club in the school- French Club.
French Club, formerly run by prior teacher, Lori Brodersen, has since been taken over by Marina Boes, the newly welcomed french teacher, and Melissa Lechtenberg. Brodersen was a very popular teacher in the Valley, and the club was thriving under her watch. However, with an unfamiliar teacher to fill Broderen’s big shoes (figuratively of course, she is five feet tall), the French club is seeking out new members.
Boes encourages students to come to French Club to learn and connect with peers. She took over the club with the hopes of getting her students excited about all things French. She said, “I wanted kids to be able to learn about different cultures and expand their horizons.”
The club involves exploring French games, movies, Youtube videos and music. The setting is very casual, allowing the members to explore their curiosity and make friends in the meantime. A few years ago, members even went out to Carousel of Delights, a French-style bakery in Davenport, and simply ate and chatted with their friends.
Sara Babb, a freshmen at PV and loyal member of French Club, loves the comfortable setting of the club. She joined the organization because she enjoyed French class and wanted to keep learning more. She said, “It’s fun to come after school and have fun while gaining a better understanding of the different culture.”
Lechtenberg and Boes make sure French Club is always inclusive and focused on the kids. The atmosphere is extremely welcoming and mainly emphasizes the entertainment of France in a noncompetitive way. Lechtenberg hopes more students will have the spark of curiosity to see what the club is all about. She believes many students would enjoy coming with friends and having fun throughout the experience.
Boes hopes the club continues to grow as well. She said, “We meet on Tuesdays after school and would love to have more members.”