Midterm elections brought in a new Congress without a unified party majority in both houses. The House of Representatives switched to a democratic majority, which has caused a lack of progress in the legislative branch.
Two primary events in the federal government this year have been the shutdown and border wall. The Republican Party drafted several proposed budgets to end the shutdown, but Democrats refused to budge on several key issues. They refused to fund the entire border wall and mostly agreed to only “technological” barriers in port cities.
A physical barrier gives both a sense of security and a more permanent, lower maintenance resolution. Opponents to the barrier say it is unnecessary because the crisis does not exist. Even if Congress completely ignores the immigrants crossing the border, those who are already here are a crisis on their own. 21 percent of all crimes are committed by a non-citizen, but non-citizens only make up 8.4 percent of the population. “[That is] 2.5 times their share of the population,” according to the Center for Immigration Studies. The non-citizen group is estimated to be about half legal and half illegal.
Opposition to the border wall sends a clear message to current legal citizens of ignorance and denial of truth. Numbers do not lie. The undocumented population living in the U.S has dangerous tendencies. A wall does not fix the domestic problem, but it does keep it from growing.
Congress also was unable to draft and agree on a budget earlier this year. Most of the fight came from spending for the border wall which Democrats refused to increase. House Democrats sent two bills to the Senate. Neither of which had an increase in Department of Homeland Security border security spending. Interestingly, Democrats proposed keeping spending levels at the exact same numbers but thought it will yield a different, safer result. The Democrats’ stance on funding the wall is just another example of where Kevin Hassett, author of DOW 36,000, rightly calls them “Economically Illiterate.”
2019 has been labeled as a year where the fight against drugs will be harder than ever because the flow of drugs is easier with more people and less border protection. The Center for Immigration Studies states that so far, “non-citizens have accounted for 31.5 percent of drug convictions.” Congress has continued to receive pressure to put a stop to the drugs coming across the border, but when the opportunity presents itself, Democrats focus more on going against the president than fighting for the American people.
When 2020 comes around, the next wave of new voters should consider who is going to protect America and which candidates have an attitude of service, honesty, and determination.