Can you survive the arctic tundra of an Iowa winter? Keep track of your points and tally them at the end to find out.
A= 4 points B= 3 points C= 2 points D= 1 point
At what temperature is it no longer acceptable to wear shorts to school?
- A.Is it ever acceptable to wear shorts?
- B. The moment it drops below 50 degrees.
- C. Once it drops below freezing.
- D. I’ll wear shorts no matter how cold it is. It’s always shorts weather and no one can tell me otherwise!
Do you have a snow scraper in your car?
- A. I have one in my car and extra antifreeze too.
- B. I have a snow scraper in my car, I’m just not sure where in my car it is.
- C. I’m sure I have a snow scraper somewhere at home.
- D. What’s a snow scraper?
If someone dared you to lick a frozen pole, would you?
- A. Never! I saw what happened in “A Christmas Story”
- B. I’d consider it, but I probably wouldn’t follow through.
- C. If I was offered a good enough incentive, then sure.
- D. Of course! If I was dared to then I’ve got to do it.
Do you have a spare hat and gloves or blanket in your car?
- A. I always keep a spare hat and gloves and a blanket in my car. You never know when you’ll need them.
- B. I’ve got either a blanket or a hat and some gloves in my car.
- C. I’ve got the hat I’m wearing right now. Is that good enough?
- D. Why would I keep any extra clothing in my car?
Do you have snow boots, and do you wear them?
- A. I’ve got snow boots and they even have extra grip so I don’t slip on the ice
- B. I’ve got snow boots but I only wear them when I absolutely have to.
- C. I have snow boots I can wear, but I only wear them to shovel.
- D. I don’t need snow boots, my converse work just fine in the snow.
Do you need to experience sunlight to remain sane during the year?
- A. The sun is great and all but I can function just fine without it.
- B. I’m alright with not seeing the sun but I’m definitely going to be a little tired.
- C. I’m going to be struggling to stay awake after school.
- D. What do you mean no sunlight?!?
How do you react if your car starts to slide on the ice?
- A. I keep my feet off the pedals and try to keep the wheel under control
- B. I keep my feet off the pedals but I don’t go near the wheel.
- C. I do nothing. I just have to hope things work out I guess.
- D. I slam on the brakes of course.
Are you a master at layering clothing?
- A. I’ve mastered the art of wearing 3 pairs of pants at once.
- B. I’ll wear a hoodie under my coat if that’s what you mean.
- C. I wear all my winter clothing but I don’t really do the whole layering thing.
- D. I’ll wear my coat if I have to I guess, but I prefer to just throw on a light jacket.
Do you walk carefully when walking on ice or snow?
- A. I step slowly to make sure I’m not on ice and I try to wear shoes with traction.
- B. I walk slowly and pay attention to where I’m going.
- C. I don’t run around on the ice very often……
- D. Are you kidding??? Slipping around on the ice is the best part of winter!
Do you even like snow?
- A. Of course! I can’t wait for the moment Iowa becomes a Winter Wonderland.
- B. The holiday season really is a lot better with the snow.
- C. Ehhhhh I could definitely go without the snow and slush.
- D. Snow is a crime against humanity and I better not see it this year.
Survival Results:
32+: You must have been through an Iowa Winter before. You’ll not only survive the winter, but you may even keep warm during it.
27-31: You’ll survive the winter, but you may lose a few fingers and toes before it’s through.
22-26: You probably won’t make it through the entire winter. There are just too many things that could go wrong.
21 or less: You haven’t been exposed to winter before have you? You’ll be lucky to make it through the first couple weeks.