“I’m so sick of this election.” This has become an increasingly popular phrase heard not only within the walls of PV, but everywhere. Luckily for us, a new holiday is quickly approaching. A clean break from election negativity is needed, and what better way to do it than to start getting excited for Thanksgiving. It’s time to focus on the happy things in life before November passes by all too soon.
Eye rolling is often habitual when adults say to “count your blessings,” but the root of the truth is so important. Yes, life is unfair, hard, and real sucky sometimes; but there are so many things to still be grateful for. As America becomes more and more modernized, things that were once big tend to become smaller and less significant. Sarah Meyers, senior, gives some thoughts on what students may be taking for granted, “Vacations, buying things, gifts, even food sometimes. Like little things we can do that not everyone can.” Even dreaded tasks like having to go to school or get shots are opportunities many kids elsewhere don’t have. Let’s use this month to more fully develop appreciation where appreciation is due.
There are always special somebodies who make the days brighter. Family and friends are big topics that come to mind around Thanksgiving, and of course, pets. Ali Staver, senior, says, “I am thankful for my family–and specifically my mom because she is always there for me in my worst and best times.” Relationships and the memories associated with them are some of the greatest joys.
To some, catching up on sleep and Netflix sounds like the perfect Thanksgiving break, while others may be set on eating as much pie and getting as many Black Friday deals as they can. Staver explains, “I’m just going to make sure to enjoy the break with my family and make the most out of the time I have with them.” Whatever your plans contain, celebrate them to the fullest.
Staying positive and keeping the true meaning of Thanksgiving in the forefront of our minds is good, but it can definitely be taken to the next level. Try to think of ways to actually show gratitude, or even do actions that make others thankful for you. Meyers shares, “I verbally express and constantly thank others when they do nice things for me and I try to give back to them in some way. Also, being kind and courteous to everyone is a great way to show grace.” Start spreading Thanksgiving spirit through the halls of the valley today.