The popular adult cartoon, The Simpsons, has produced multiple episodes in which foreshadow real life future events. Here are ten times the TV show has accurately done so.
- The election of Donald Trump (season 11, episode 17)
- The Ebola outbreak (season 9, episode 3)
- Disney buys 20th Century Fox (season 10, episode 5)
- Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl halftime show (season 23, episode 22)
- Nobel Prize winner of 2016, Bengt Holmstrom (season 22, episode 1)
- The U.S beating Sweden in curling at the 2018 Winter Olympic Games (season 21, episode 12)
- Faulty voter machines for the 2012 election in Pennsylvania (season 20, episode 4)
- 2015 World Cup results and the FIFA corruption (season 25, episode 16)
- Autocorrect, smart watches and video chat (season 6)
- Coronavirus (season 22)