The Epidemic of Loneliness is a phrase coined in 1997 to explain the growing levels of loneliness and the steep decrease in social interaction. Studies show that now more than ever, humans are reporting extreme loneliness more often than any other time period in history.
The Epidemic of Loneliness is blamed on the creation of services that allows others to distance themselves from society. This minimization of interaction causes major psychological problems which can lead to the development of serious disorders such as depression and anxiety. Mental disorders and issues have shown a 13% difference from 2013, with this steady increase expected to continue.
Naturally, the brain grows and creates more neurological connections when being social with others. Gen-Z, most commonly accused of being socially awkward, has reported a 73% majority of feeling occasional to extreme loneliness. The use of internet communication and overall distancing from the outside world has stunted the development of many important skills.
Not only has loneliness impacted people on an emotional and mental level, but has also been proven to also affect physical health as well. Dementia, strokes and cardiovascular diseases have also seen an increase in those that have reported to commonly feel lonely.
The disconnection that is being felt creates a negative environment. Many might feel like things and people are out to get them. Society and advancing technology has created silent norms of reciprocity that is agreed upon by everyone. Although others might not be as social or communicative, the action is followed because it is commonly accepted.
Principal Mike Hawley believes that phones play a large role in how separated students are and affects their abilities to learn in class. “Phones have separated students from learning and each other. It’s much easier to pick up a cellphone to avoid talking to one another,” Hawley expressed.
Junior Tejas Gokhale explained feeling lonely or excluded occasionally, “I do feel lonely sometimes but I think everyone does. When I’m alone in a crowd I do feel lonely.”
The feeling of loneliness when a large group of people is around isn’t a new thing, the problem is that it’s becoming increasingly more common.
The Epidemic of Loneliness currently happening is because of a decrease in interaction between people for various reasons. It is worrisome because these feelings can lead to dangerous mental disorders and harmful health problems. People are beginning to become more alone now more than ever.