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The student news site of Pleasant Valley High School

Spartan Shield

The student news site of Pleasant Valley High School

Spartan Shield

Shortened school weeks: The risks with four-day school scheduling

The four-day school week is an idea that has recently gained more traction in the United States but there are downsides that some fail to consider.
Jaydon Kachappily
The four-day school week is an idea that has recently gained more traction in the United States but there are downsides that some fail to consider.

The four-day workweek has been a widely popular alternative to the current system that many people have fought for the implementation of in America. Similarly, the four day school week has been fought for by many students who claim similar benefits, but for school do the benefits really outweigh the cons?

People who support the four-day school week claim that shortening the week allows students to be less stressed and acquire better learning comprehension as a result.

However, looking at the situation through this lens doesn’t tell the whole story. If a four-day school week was to be implemented then there would be many problems not only for students for the parents as well.

There are many students who rely on meal stamps or meals at school for food and if one day were to be removed then those kids would face greater problems than benefits. These problems are not limited to greater problems with food insecurity but also with the education of people who require greater help and more time. With a less intensive system, we hurt those who might require extra time to learn for the benefit of those who succeed regardless. 

Another big problem with a four-day school week is that it puts a tremendous burden on the parents who now must take care of the children for an extra day and if their job doesn’t offer a four-day work week would create a difficult situation for the parents to be in.

Aditya Satya Narayan a senior says that a four-day school week is too optimistic for the real world, “If a four-day school were to be implemented then I think the problems it causes for some students is more important to consider than what some other people might gain from it.”

Cooper Swihart, another senior at PVHS disagrees with Narayan “If a four-day work week and school week were to be added together then the negatives would definitely be minimized and I think people are just looking for a reason not to change.”

With an Iowa school only a month ago deciding to switch to a four-day school week there is cause for concern about this new idea and it should be investigated more. Of course, some benefits do exist for the four-day school week, but if the purpose of the idea is to help students then the students that are hurt by such a policy should not be ignored because if they were not very few would agree to a four-day school week.


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Jaydon Kachappily
Jaydon Kachappily, Photo Manager
Jaydon Kachappilly is a senior at Pleasant Valley High School and the Photo Manager for the Spartan Shield. Jaydon is interested in physics and strives to be a physicist. Jaydon participates in jazz band, NHS, and tennis at PVHS. Outside of school, Jaydon often goes around town with his friends watching movies, going to the mall, and doing other activities. Jaydon also enjoys finding many different albums from different genres to listen to. Jaydon looks forward to writing for the Spartan Shield!
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