The student news site of Pleasant Valley High School

Spartan Shield

The student news site of Pleasant Valley High School

Spartan Shield

The student news site of Pleasant Valley High School

Spartan Shield

Top 5 Things to Look Forward to at College

PV seniors enjoying a Iowa football game Photo credit: Finley Dalton

Decorating  Dorm Rooms – It’s widely known that plain dorm rooms look like prison cells. But luckily, everyone is able to decorate their dorms. Amazon and dormify are two great places to look for some decor. One tip is to envision a theme and then pick items to match and achieve your dream dorm. 

Football games- If you’re going to a school that has a football team, go to the games! When starting college, everyone is looking to make friends, football games and tailgates are the perfect places. Nothing is better than football games to get someone is the school spirit.

Homecoming- The homecoming most people are familiar with is quite different from college homecoming. College homecomings are normally during September and are a huge event. It usually includes hosting a football game, decorating campus and alumni events. Make sure to be involved in your school’s homecoming.

Clubs- Greek life is one way to get involved on campus and for those not interested in greek life, there are many clubs viable to students. Clubs are a great way of meeting people that are interested in the same topics as you. There are also many obscure clubs since it’s usually very easy to create a club.

Study Abroad- For those who don’t have plans or interests in traveling a lot when they are older, studying abroad is a great opportunity to go somewhere you wouldn’t normally go. Within the university, different colleges offer programs for studying abroad. It’s something everyone should try once in their life.


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About the Contributor
Abby Moroney
Abby Moroney, Business Manager
Abby Moroney is a senior at Pleasant Valley High School and serves as the Business Manager of the online Spartan Shield. Abby is passionate about soccer and plays on the varsity girls soccer team. Outside of school Abby volunteers at events and summer camps at the Putnam Museum. Some of her hobbies include reading, golf and painting. Abby also spends her time at school sporting events, being outside and hanging out with friends and family. She plans to double major in accounting and international business while minoring in Spanish and is excited for her life after high school.
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