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The student news site of Pleasant Valley High School

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The student news site of Pleasant Valley High School

Spartan Shield

Top 6 Ways to Avoid Senioritis

Bobby Chiarelli
Seniors at Senior Sunset!

By their senior year, high school students are checked out and ready for life outside their school walls. While it’s hard to stay focused on school work when students are already mentally checked out, as many are already committed to colleges and excited for the next chapter of their lives, we should always live in the moment and instead of waiting out a key moment in our lives to move on to the next, it is important to cherish the final year of high school, no matter how nauseating it may seem. 

As the school year ends and juniors will eventually begin their final year of high school, here are 6 ways to look forward to senior year and fight senioritis!

  1. Make memories 

It is never too late to keep making friends in classes, attending sporting events, or school dances. For many high schoolers who were too focused on their studies to participate in attending football games or going to homecoming or prom, senior year is the best time to partake in the best parts of high school before it’s too late! Additionally capturing these memories on film is a great way to save and look back on fond memories in high school!

  1. Set Goals

Setting goals to work toward is always a positive way to keep going and these goals don’t need to be school related! Students can set goals regarding sports, to have the best final season, toward the gym, in a club, or toward making the most memories and friends. By setting goals, we don’t feel the desire to want time to just pass by and are eager to live in the moment to have time to accomplish our greatest desires!

  1. Stay disciplined

Discipline is the only way to be productive when motivation and desire is lacking. While many seniors often think their senior year grades don’t matter as many have already committed to a college or have applied, it’s important to remember that colleges are able to revoke acceptances if they notice a decline in grades or performance. While seniors deserve to slack a little bit after three years of undeniable hard work and dedication, it’s important to still be on top of things as it could affect future plans and this will help seniors still try to maintain good grades to not fall behind. It’s also important to remember that high school may be over and senior year may not impact which college you get into as much as past years, but your grades still go toward and affect your final gpa and giving up may ruin all the progress made in past years, so it is important to stay focused.

  1. Take digital pictures and create a scrapbook

A current trend on social media is to create a scrapbook with different pictures throughout the year or school year. This is a great way to preserve memories and look back on fun times in a year! Additionally taking photos on film has been another great way high schoolers remember to enjoy the moment and not take time for granted. While our generation has always taken photos on iPhone cameras, going back and purchasing a digital camera helps students have a passion for capturing every moment which encourages them to therefore live in the moment and enjoy the time they have now with their peers before graduation.

  1. Reward yourself

While it can be hard to stay motivated during senior year, it’s important to reward yourself after tasks to stay motivated. This could be purchasing new clothes, buying concert tickets, or going out with friends. This reward system can help seniors stay motivated through the year.

  1. Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important aspects of leading a healthy lifestyle and mental stability. While senior year can be stressful with college applications, school work, and a lack of motivation, it is always important to prioritize one’s mental and physical being and get rest. And in return this will also help rejuvenate the mind and help with anxiety when it comes to senior year.

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About the Contributors
Asritha Gunukula
Asritha Gunukula, Multimedia Manager
Asritha Gunukula is a junior at Pleasant Valley High School and serves as the Multimedia Manager for the Spartan Shield. Asritha is passionate about computer science, design, and writing as her favorite classes are AP Computer Science A, AP Lang, and Honors Journalism. Outside of school, Asritha is a part of many activities including an all girls FTC team, Flourish & Bots, and a nationwide youth climate change organization, where she uses coding to create games to teach the youth about the current climate crisis. Asritha also spends her summers volunteering at robotics summer programs at Riverdale Heights Elementary. Some of her hobbies include baking, traveling, and spending time with friends and family. 

Hannah McVey
Hannah McVey, Business Manager
Hannah McVey is a senior at Pleasant Valley High School and serves as the Business Manager for the online Spartan Shield. Hannah is the captain of the cheerleading team and is on the varsity track team. She is also the captain of Sparkles and is a member of the Love Your Mother Gardening Club. Outside of her student life, Hannah loves being outside and going to the mountains, she enjoys hikes and nature. Some of her hobbies include art, listening to music, or watching movies and she loves being with her family and friends. Hannah plans to major in Business as her post secondary education and can’t wait to see what her future brings!
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