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The student news site of Pleasant Valley High School

Spartan Shield

The student news site of Pleasant Valley High School

Spartan Shield

Top 5 2024 Summer Fashion Trends

Gracie Collins

As summer is approaching, the new set of fashion trends are as well! From shades and earrings all the way down to shoes, here are 5 fashion trends for this summer!

  1. Golden Goose Sneakers

While controversial as many claim they look too basic to be over $600, Golden Goose sneakers have been making a comeback this summer as they are commonly seen worn with miniskirts and can match the vibe of any outfit!

  1. Boxer Shorts

Boxer shorts were originally seen as shorts worn to bed as the style matches pajama pants; however, they have become trendy to pair with a simple white tee as it gives a classy, elegant look and are often seen to be worn on the beach and in tropical environments. 

  1. Sun Dresses

One of the most hyped styles for the summer are sundresses, as they are elegant, girly but also comfortable and cool against the humid summer air. The provide a nice breaze so it’s refreshing to wear while still staying modest. These flowy dresses can be paired with a mini bag and come in all colors!

  1. Mini Skirts

While long denim skirts were making a comeback the past year, this summer denim mini skirts are back and in all colors, as they are easy to be paired with any outfit, whether it’s a baggy sweatshirt, cropped top, or a flannel. 

  1. Chunky Jewelry 

Dainty jewelry like small rings, earring, and necklaces has always been popular; however, as summer approaches more and more girls are seen with large statement pieces like flashy necklaces, large rings, and chunky gold hoops. This style is similar to that of the early 2000s and 2010s as these pieces give a bold statement and compliment an outfit.

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About the Contributor
Asritha Gunukula
Asritha Gunukula, Multimedia Manager
Asritha Gunukula is a junior at Pleasant Valley High School and serves as the Multimedia Manager for the Spartan Shield. Asritha is passionate about computer science, design, and writing as her favorite classes are AP Computer Science A, AP Lang, and Honors Journalism. Outside of school, Asritha is a part of many activities including an all girls FTC team, Flourish & Bots, and a nationwide youth climate change organization, where she uses coding to create games to teach the youth about the current climate crisis. Asritha also spends her summers volunteering at robotics summer programs at Riverdale Heights Elementary. Some of her hobbies include baking, traveling, and spending time with friends and family. 

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