Here are my most useful subreddits:
- r/BuyItForLife
- Lots of products fail after some time. This first subreddit is especially useful for finding reliable, effective products that other users have bought, reviewed and recommended. The best part about this subreddit is that you can ask users questions/request pictures for products that you are interested in.
- r/lifehacks
- We’ve all heard of live hacks, but this subreddit takes it to a new level. What makes it different from the typical Five Minute Crafts video or “viral life hack” is the extreme variety of life hacks found in user guides – some of which can be very niche.
- r/malefashionadvice or r/femalefashionadvice
- These two subreddits are both dedicated to sharing fashion advice and trends. Although there are general fashion pages, I chose to include the male and female versions since many users prefer to consult their own gender. These subreddits can be useful to find cheaper alternatives to high end fashion, discount codes for online shopping, and even help craft your own style.
- r/buildapc
- If you are interested in learning more about how a PC works or building one yourself, this subreddit will teach you everything you need to know. Starting with the essential components of a computer all the way to price breakdowns and online order pages, this subreddit has it all.
- r/learnprogramming
- In an increasingly digital world, programming is becoming a valuable skill. r/learnprogramming is dedicated to teaching users the fundamentals of coding logic and computer science principles that can be applied to multiple different languages. Along with other users’ advice, the subreddit also contains many links to online resources for computer programming.
- r/AskReddit
- For any random question you may have about work, school or just life in general, Reddit users from around the world are here to help. r/AskReddit is one of the website’s largest and most active pages, allowing users to freely ask questions and receive answers from any other source. It is essentially a massive internet forum, and is said to be “one of the most collaborative places in the world”.