The culture war engulfing this nation surrounding kneeling football players is insane. First of all, they have a right to kneel and there should be no rules against it. Second, any NFL owner also reserves the right to fire anyone who does kneel. Third, I care nothing about idiotic political “statements” from football players; can I just watch the game?
The players kneeling seem to not realize the situation. By kneeling to protest Trump during the national anthem means Trump gets to associate himself with patriotism. This only helps Trump. Instead of being politically engaged outside of the football field and gaining understanding for the political process, the players that kneel end up just jeopardizing their jobs and the future of the NFL. The time and place of statements like those being made matter and NFL games are most definitely not the time or place in order to make an effective statement.
The owners are also put into horrible positions. For many reasons including kneeling and the NFL’s reaction to it, viewer ship is decreasing. This means that not only do owners have their own opinion about the situation but also they stand to lose financially from choosing the wrong side. All of this results in a horribly confusing situation with some owners supporting the kneeling and others doing anything they can to prevent it.
One telling example of owners being put in tough spots is the situation surrounding Colin Kaepernick. A year ago, Colin Kaepernick began kneeling during the national anthem; this small move catalyzed a national controversy that still rages on. Currently, Kaepernick is unemployed and many are decrying his unemployment to unjust and racist. Just consider what this situation looks like from an owner’s perspective; an already poor performing quarterback thrusts himself into controversy causing him to be a liability for any possible team considering picking him up. Kaepernick might be good enough to be in the NFL but the cons currently far outweigh the pros and every owner knows this.
The real loser in this situation, however, is the public. Politics becoming entertainment and entertainment becoming politics results in the worst TV since the Star Wars Christmas Special
(Yes there is a Star Wars Christmas Special https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3a5j8PgQxg watch at your own peril).
Currently, Puerto Rico lacks power, the GOP attempts to push through another lackluster healthcare bill and North Korea fires more missiles but the news cycle cares more about whether or not a football player is taking a knee. The biggest loss for the public though is football. The amazing thing we all used to be able to talk about on Mondays is becoming something I have to not bring up lest I spark a conversation about the one thing that could make Mondays worst than they already are: politics.
The concept of the separation between church and state is very much applicable in this case. Simply put, don’t ruin what I enjoy on Sundays because of what happens during the week. Although nothing seems to ever change in politics, I am fine that the media acts like the sky is falling with any issue ranging from immigration to healthcare on any day of the week as long as I get to still enjoy my football.