As the cool weather approaches this season, the boys’ cross country team concludes their memorable fall. The Spartans ended their season with a MAC and district championship and finished second in the state. The state meet took place in Fort Dodge, Iowa last weekend.
Konnor Sommer, junior, helped guide the Spartans to their second place finish. He reflects on the turnout of the state meet, “We knew we had the talent to take down Dowling Catholic (first place finishers) after our strong performances at the end of the season. Knowing that we came two points away from victory was, albeit a little depressing, a testament to the great progress we made as a team.”
State is the ultimate test to see which team or individual can compete the best under stressful conditions. At the end of the day, each person competing will leave the meet with a memory. Whether this memory is appealing or not, it will impact and motivate the individual. “My motivation for running is a combination of an intrinsic desire to improve upon my abilities and compete,” Sommer confesses.
The team had high hopes for a state title, but unfortunately, the Spartans will have to wait another year. They had five guys in the top 30 and a ninth place finish from Nicholas Yanek, junior. The defending champions, Dowling Catholic, slid past the Spartans once again to capture the state title.
The varsity squad consisted of young, determined runners who are already anxious for next year’s season. The team loses just five of the seven top runners next fall. Anthony Peña, junior, who battled a foot injury throughout the season, recaps his third year as a Spartan, “I thought the season went really well as a whole. We weren’t happy with the way we finished at state but that is motivation for us next year.”
The race between Dowling Catholic and Pleasant Valley was a nail-biter. Catholic pulled through with a two point lead on the Spartans (100-102). “I was not satisfied with the way the season ended or with the way I ran,” Peña states.
The boys have full hearts and are eager for the next season to approach. “Personally, I cannot wait for what the future holds for our team next year, it is going to be great,” Pena concludes.
“Our team is very determined to compete- and win- next season.” Sommer states.
The Spartans will continue to train their hardest to live up to their high, but reachable, expectations.
Jordyn Haessler • Nov 11, 2016 at 12:31 pm