Spartan nation’s pride is stronger than ever with new social media account
Shown above is a post made by our very own @PVcommitted2tomorrow Instagram account. This post features Sophie Malmen, sharing with other Spartans her plans for postsecondary education. Displaying the accomplishments made by PV seniors emphasizes Spartan Nations pride and excellence.
November 21, 2022
Staying connected with other students throughout their high school years is a priority for many. Being in the loop and hearing the recent plans for fellow students allows for a strong relationship throughout a class, allowing for stronger bonds to be built. With a new social media account, the Spartan Nation makes this a possibility.
Pleasant Valley has begun to publish pride in students’ accomplishments on the new Instagram account run by the Spartan Shield, with the handle @pvcommitted2tomorrow.
The purpose of the new platform is to share PV seniors’ plans for post-secondary education. Those who will be graduating this spring simply upload a senior photo, the school to which they’ve committed to and their intended major. Some seniors at PV who already announced their commitments to the account are Olivia Rogers, Kensie and Maddie Staats and Sophie Malmen with plenty more to come.
Committed to Tomorrow gives seniors an opportunity to show off their achievements and express the honor they have reached. This is beneficial for all students as other seniors and underclassmen who still question their plans after graduation know who to reach out to regarding information on the selected university or major. This way, students aren’t blind throughout their applications and are provided with guidance in discovering what areas of study they may choose to pursue.
Every single post lies in the hands of PV senior, Jake Wilsted, who takes pride in the Instagram account, “The Shields account, @pvcommitted2tomorrow, provides a great outlet for seniors to express their plans after being a Spartan. The application process, and understanding what you want for yourself is a big decision to be made, and all seniors should be proud to share their future with the rest of our school,” he shared. With the growing population of Pleasant Valley, staying connected on social media makes perfect sense.
Maureen Dyer, the head of the entire Spartan Shield finds the account to be very beneficial and exciting for our school, “PV has grown so much so quickly. The Committed to Tomorrow project was our attempt to address that by making students feel more connected to each other. Students are genuinely interested in their peers’ future plans and should be incredibly proud of their own. This project is a means to showcase those plans with pride.” she shared. The future for Pleasant Valley is bright with the new advancements being made, along with building connections among students.
The Spartan Shield is constantly on top of the game when it comes to social media. With the diversity and the growing population of PV, the name PV Committed to Tomorrow shares the truth. The Spartan Nation holds pride in the accomplishments of its students, and with this new social media account, Pleasant Valley can ensure that the future is bright.
Malayna Albertson • Nov 30, 2022 at 9:28 am
When I heard about this idea I thought it was so smart so then you can kind of keep in contact with others after high school and get to see where you fellow classmates went to college.