Everyone loves having a companion and special friend. The Spartan Shield has collectively voted the top 8 dogs of the Spartan Shield. These furry friends have been ranked based on their cuteness, uniqueness and personality. Each doggie description and photo has been sent in by their owner.
8. This is Shea. She loves to play ball, as her name suggests (she is named after Shea Stadium). She is always full of energy, and loves to greet and cuddle with every person she meets. Shea can make everyone smile. Shea belongs to Tyler Nels.
7. This is Axel, he’s a black goldendoodle and he likes to hold hands and give hugs. He’s super clingy and barks at anything and everything. Axel belongs to Shelby Brown.
6. Jazzy is old and fragile. She often has digestive issues because her stomach cannot process anything other than her usual chicken, rice, and sweet potatoes. She loves curling up in your lap and sleeping. Jazzy belongs to Cole Halupnick.
5. This is Lulu. Lulu is a mini poodle. She is so sweet and very loving. She loves snuggles and tummy time. Lulu is very foofy and doesn’t like to go outside and get her paws dirty. She is always getting baths and she gets her teeth brushed multiple times a week but she still suffers from having EXTREMELY stinky breath. Lulu belongs to Ellie Samec.
4. Rosie is fun and energetic. Her breed is known for being very playful and gentle. She is a timid puppy and is scared of almost everything. Rosie belongs to Johnny Zeigelbein.
3. Edwin is the most prestigious and distinguished gentleman. His most favorite things consist of long walks, belly rubs, and most of all FOOD. Edwin wouldn’t hurt a fly but he often thinks he is a lot bigger than he actually is. He tries to be tough but in reality he is a timid boy. He doesn’t have many fears but some of them are baths and brooms. Everyone who meets Edwin loves him and wants to steal him. Edwin is the best dog of Spartan Shield and belongs to Hannah McVey.

2. Cooper is a 5 year old pure bred show golden retriever. He is an expert squirrel chaser and always keeps an eye out for them on his long walks. He’s an avid outdoorsman and loves lone hikes, rain or shine. In the summer, Cooper will dive head first into any body of water, including pools and rain puddles. Cooper is an excellent learner and can speak 2 languages, Marathi and English. When Cooper is not chewing on a stick or snacking on a treat, he’s definitely sticking his head out of a car on a ride around town. If you see a golden retriever with a big fluffy tail strolling around town, it’s most likely Cooper and don’t be afraid to come and say hello. Cooper belongs to Ashwin Parab.
1. Margil is a 5’4 chihuahua. He is a menace to society as he tends to bite and will jump on anyone who approaches him. The federal department of animal services requested he be put down in 2019, but the request was rescinded after a mysterious break-in to the federal building. Margil has been living in the animal shelter ever since and is currently taking adoption applications—he is very picky.
Doggie obituary :
This is Snickers. She was very kind and she loved kids. She would dress up as a hot dog for halloween and walk around with all the kids. She loved hopping into ponds (even though she couldn’t swim) and was very strong. The vet said she would die at the age of 9 and she lived to the age of 11. She battled through cancer and hip dysplasia and still was always happy. RIP Snickers. In loving memory of Snickers, she is with all of the Spartan Shield every day. She belonged to Gabi Ragins.
This is Lola. Lola lives in our hearts as an overweight and much loved pug. She almost lived to celebrate her sweet sixteen but sadly passed a month before. Lola couldn’t hear or see anything but she always knew where she was going because she was extremely smart. Lola was very protective of her owners and a great guard dog. Lola will always be remembered in our hearts. Lola belonged to Ellie Samec.