Learning a foreign language offers many benefits to high school students. Additionally, high school is the best time to learn a foreign language since there might not be an opportunity to become bilingual. Studies have proven that learning a language during high school helps with increased memory, stronger mental agility, and even enhanced decision-making. Learning a foreign language also helps students gain opportunities for more scholarships. It can also be seen as a boost to their college application and even allows them to skip foreign languages in university. Here are the top 3 reasons to learn Spanish and French.
- Spanish is the world’s second most spoken language. Over 572 million people speak this language. While traveling, people will have the ability to communicate with others. Also, learning this will allow individuals to gain access to many more opportunities.
- Spanish is part of the romance language family. Learning Spanish will help with understanding other major languages such as Portuguese, Italian, French, and Romanian. Having a touch on Spanish will definitely make the learning process to other foreign languages much more easier. It is almost like having a superpower!
- Learning Spanish can also helps with enjoying a new culture of entertainment. By learning Spanish, books, films and songs will be much more entertaining. There are hundreds of Spanish music artists on Spotify.
- One of the biggest tourist attractions in the world is Paris, which is located in France. With its travel and tourism sector earning a grand total of 36 billion US dollars, Paris has a steady current of tourists visiting every year. Learning French will prove to be really useful in navigating through the populated city.
- French is a relatively easy language to learn and apply. With only 11 tenses, French is easier to learn than other languages. Additionally, French has more than 1700 cognates with English, adding on to the fact that it is easy for English speakers to learn quickly.
- Learning how to speak French will be beneficial in the long term as many career and job fields can be found either in France or another French-speaking country. With nearly 1200 French companies located in the U.S., it may come in handy to be able to speak and understand the language.