On New Year’s Eve, Washington resident Nikki Mael fed her dogs Evangers dog food. She soon noticed, they all began to act drunk and fell over several times. She rushed the dogs to the vet, where one of of the dogs died. The rest made full recoveries.
They did a toxicology report on the dog who passed away and found the cause for the dog’s behavior and death. A drug, Pentobarbital, which is used to euthanise dogs, cats, horses, and other animals, was found in the dog’s system. This drug is even used in a combination of drugs designed to execute criminals in multiple states. Connor Hughes, junior, said, “That is not right. The family should get more for their lost dog.”
Evangers, a local owned dog food company in Illinois, decided to voluntarily recall their dog food to avoid similar incidents from occurring in the future. According to the company, there should have been another 200 dogs that consumed food from the same batch, but there have been no other reports of dogs becoming ill from the food.
The company said their supplier gives them meats inspected by the U.S.D.A, and they thought it was impossible for something like this to happen. In 82 years of business together, this is the first incident of its kind. Evangers announced that they ended their business relationship with their supplier because of this incident. Cam Peer, senior, said, “The suppliers of the meat should be punished and blamed, not the company.” The source of the poison is still a mystery and is continuing to be investigated. Evangers also paid for all of the medical bills for the dogs and donated money to a local animal shelter in honor of the dog that died.