The student news site of Pleasant Valley High School

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The student news site of Pleasant Valley High School

Spartan Shield

The student news site of Pleasant Valley High School

Spartan Shield

Debate and Discourse: Why High Schoolers Should Engage with Controversial Issues

Pleasant Valley students discuss controversial topics at the National Ethics Bowl competition. Photo credit: NHSEB

Even though controversial current events and world conflicts often accompany the rapid advancements of the 21st century, students hesitate to discuss these topics with their peers and teachers.

While schools try to provide safe environments, many students feel uncomfortable discussing world issues with their peers. The fear of breaking friendships with friends and being judged by others makes it difficult for students to speak openly on their opinions on these topics.

However, debating these issues is the only way to cause change.

Engaging in healthy debate allows students to get introduced to new ideas and ways of thinking. While they might face disagreements, listening to opposing viewpoints can help open their eyes to a variety of different perspectives and can help students empathize with others.

When it comes to modern issues, very few problems concern or affect school students. This can make it so students feel inadequate in their abilities to add to conversations about large scale issues a doubt in their abilities to make change. 

Junior Kiera Johnson believes debate to be significant to the growth of student mindsets. “I think discussing topics that are more complex arguments are essential for students. It brings up contrasting viewpoints and proves that no one opinion is correct,” Johnson stated.

Passionate individuals are what help make a difference in the world. Many issues involving human morals are disguised as political ideas and are therefore left alone. This makes it so wrongdoers are often able to continue what they are doing without being called out. 

Junior Katelyn Chen agrees that engaging in discussion is a necessary part of the way our society runs. “ I think some people don’t like discussing controversial topics because they don’t want to cause drama or trouble, but the reality is that these are real problems in our world,” she said. “While just talking about them won’t stop wars or change laws, it can be a start to acknowledging that there are troubling things that we should pay attention to.”

No matter what age, students can help make a difference in the way the world sees issues simply by engaging in discussion. Even though issues may not have a direct impact on them, the students’ future tomorrow depends on how the world changes today.

Though debate clubs remain a popular extracurricular, conversations about modern topics are often hushed amongst high schoolers. Without input from different types of people, the human race will slowly divide itself into groups of angry and unempathetic human beings.


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About the Contributor
Ameya Menon
Ameya Menon, Multimedia Manager
Ameya Menon is currently a junior at Pleasant Valley High School and serves as Multimedia Manager. Apart from journalism, some of the classes she enjoys taking include Astronomy and Calculus III. She also is a member of girl’s tennis, ethics bowl, and serves as the co-president of the math club after school. In her free time, Ameya plays ping pong with her family and enjoys participating in heated games of monopoly with her friends. She is excited to be a part of the Spartan Shield this semester.
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