1- Stranger Things
The acclaimed show, “Stranger Things,” is returning to Netflix with its fifth and final season. The show released its fourth season back in 2022, leaving its loyal fans with anticipation for the next season. This year, the show will finally conclude, revealing the fate of Hawkins, Indiana.
2- The Summer I Turned Pretty
“The Summer I Turned Pretty” will be returning in 2025 with its third season. The show gained popularity after being adapted from a book series with the same name. The show follows the story of Belly Conklin, as she navigates life with her family, friendships and relationships.
3-XOXO Kitty
The “To All the Boys” spinoff “XOXO Kitty” garnered global attention due to its focus on the youngest Covey sister and her story as she studies abroad in Korea. With the first season released back in 2023, viewers are excited to see Kitty’s story evolve in the second season, which is being released on Jan. 16.
4-28 Years Later
The movie, “28 Years Later,” marks the third movie in the “28 Days Later” franchise. The first movie in the series was released in 2003 and followed the story of a coma patient who woke up to a deserted, post-apocalyptic world. The newest addition to the franchise continues to add to the story.
“Wednesday” was originally released in 2022 and took the world by a storm. Jenna Ortega’s captivating performance as Wednesday Addams will return to Netflix in 2025.
6-Captain America: Brave New World
“Captain America: Brave New World” builds onto the Marvel franchise and adds to Captain America’s story which was left unfinished in “Avenger’s Endgame.”