- Honey
When thinking of pizza, sweet doesn’t often come to mind. Honey works excellently with salty pizza, enhancing its flavor and creating a more complex taste. It also tastes great on the pizza crust left at the end.
- Mushrooms
Mushrooms can often be seen as gross or slimy. However, mushrooms are a great way to make pizza more savory while being generally healthy. Additionally, they provide a little more texture to the pizza with their chewiness.
- Spinach
Spinach can often go underappreciated as a pizza topping. It doesn’t bring many extreme flavors to the table but adds subtle flavoring that can bring a pizza to the next level with its bitter flavoring.
- Pineapple
One of the most polarizing pizza toppings is Pineapple. The stigma around pineapple as a topping will cause many to never try it. While it is certainly not a topping for everybody, it is worth trying at least once.
- Onions
Another topping that brings less flavor but more texture to the pizza. Onions bring a crunch and a hint of sweetness to every bite.
- Meatballs
Using the same meats and proteins every time can get boring. Try adding meatballs to pizza to change things up. Meatballs also work great with the tomato sauce that they are often paired with in other dishes.