New pro gun reforms have moved up and up in Iowa’s Legislature. Reforms, that very much so, broaden the Second Amendment rights of Iowans.
The NRA originally named these reforms HSB 133, and in their description reported, “Included in HSB 133 are provisions which would enhance both your fundamental right to self-defense and your right to keep and bear arms.”
The House File emphasizes the act of “Standing your ground”, in which law abiding citizens will have no obligation to leave any place before using forceful self defense.
More specifically, the propositions of file include changes to the authorization process of obtaining a gun, along with expanding the locations in which citizens are allowed to carry their weapons. The authorization process will no longer require a background check before obtaining a gun permit as long as training to carry the weapon has been done. HF 517 will also allow for the permits to be lifetime lasting.
New permitted carrying locations are expected to include the Capitol and its grounds. In addition to this, another proposal requests children be allowed to learn how to use a firearm under direct supervision.
Josh Bowman, a senior here at Pleasant Valley and active member of the Iowa Youth Council said, “I think guns are too easily accessible. People usually cite the second amendment to insist that guns are necessary because of hunting or self defense, but gun violence is much more common than both of those.”
Contrastingly, Collin Smith, a junior here at PV and a precinct leader of the Scott county republican central committee said, “I, for the most part, support the legislation moving through the state congress involving gun reform. It increases the penalty for illegal and introduces “Stand Your Ground” which are both good things. I would, however, like to see clearer language regarding the elimination of permits to acquire.”
After passing through the House Judiciary Committee last week, House File 517 is awaiting to be considered by the full House of Representatives.