Pleasant Valley Girls’ Basketball (PVGBB) is experiencing an undefeated and record-breaking season. Their key to success has been leaving doubt and expectations behind and becoming one family to achieve their goals.
PVGBB’s program is built on five pillars that are at the core of every game and practice. “Teamwork, Competition, Thankfulness, Work Ethic, and Unselfishness. Those five areas never go away,” varsity head coach, Jennifer Goetz, explained. She also said each year the team makes it a priority to build on the pillars even more than the previous season.
Along with building the character aspects involved with basketball, PVGBB challenges the players and coaches to improve themselves continually on and off the court. Teamwork is a vital part of PVGBB’s program. For this reason, the coaches are committed to putting in as much work studying plays and film as they ask the players to do. “We are all in this together,” Goetz said.
Every player on the team, whether a starter or benchwarmer, is expected to give one hundred percent in every practice and game they participate in. Freshman Addie Kerkhoff, both a starter for the JV team and Varsity team member, said that she has learned a lot from and is inspired by the upperclassmen who have led PVGBB through an undefeated season.
Not only does PVGBB have an undefeated record, but they also managed to break the school’s defensive record. Throughout the season, they have held other teams below their average scores due to outstanding defense. After the game against the Clinton River Queens, the varsity team was ecstatic to discover they had shattered PV’s defensive record.
Kerkhoff said, “I’ve learned that hard work, determination, and unselfish play will put the team in the best position to succeed.” She also explained that her inspiration and motivation to practice is to be as skilled and team-driven as the seniors. For Kerkhoff and the two other freshmen on the varsity team, this season has been eye-opening, but it’s far from over.
Senior Mallory Lafever, a varsity starter, said this season has allowed the team to get a fresh start and not to feel so pressured during rival games. She stated, “This year there weren’t a lot of outside expectations for us, and I think that has let us have a lot of fun during games and practices.”
Lafever, who has been a leading scorer in various games, said it’s been an enriching experience to contribute to such a successful team. However, the season isn’t over yet, and Lafever is motivated to keep improving as an individual. Also, the program as a whole is dedicated to making the 2018-2019 season one to remember, especially for the seniors.
However, what is a record-breaking season without controversy and doubters? On February 13, the Iowa Girls’ High School Basketball rankings were released. Although PVGBB was the only team with an undefeated record, they are ranked seventh in the 5A class. Lafever noted this is another reason the program feels motivated. “People still don’t believe we are a top team in the state of Iowa, despite going undefeated,” she said.
The energy surrounding the varsity team is momentous, and Goetz wants to harness this energy to win more games in the upcoming weeks. She said it’s vital to the success of the team to continue using everything they’ve learned since the season began in November. “We have to take care of our end of the floor and control the controllable,” Goetz said.
PVGBB’s drive and dedication to being a family was a critical component that helped them win their first regional game against Davenport West on February 16. Join PVGBB’s loyal fan base and come to PVHS at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, February 19 to cheer on the Spartans as they play Ankeny Centennial and continue their journey to State.