“Arthur,” the beloved PBS animated series, aired its last episode Feb 21, 2022. With 25 seasons and 195 episodes, it became the longest running children’s series in history. Beloved by many, it connected with kids through colorful animal characters and taught messages of kindness and friendship. Longtime “Arthur” enthusiasts will remember many of these scenes, and casual viewers’ memories may be sparked by these unforgettable moments.
Honorable Mention: Season 25 finale
Like donating old toys, the final episode of a cherished show is bittersweet. The flash-forward to the year 2042 gave viewers a feeling of nostalgia and a sense of closure to the series. The grown-up characters provoked optimism and assuredness in fans on the precipice of adulthood, and it proves that “Arthur” continues to inspire over generations.
- Arthur’s headphones
One of the most iconic inconsistencies in children’s animated television shows is Arthur’s headphones. In the scene, he is wearing headphones as a human would, however they don’t cover his ears at all. This first went viral as a Twitter meme, used to express when someone isn’t actually listening to something.
- Arthur’s fist meme
Another legendary meme from the “Arthur” series is the fist. Simply an image of a clenched fist, it is used to represent extreme frustration or infuriating situations. The reason it went viral is obvious: It is relatable and the simplicity of the cartoon drawing makes it even more funny.
- Arthur and Buster’s friendship
One of the most important subplots of “Arthur” was the friendship he shared with Buster. When Buster moved away to spend time with his father traveling the world, Arthur struggled without his presence. These intimate moments moved viewers on a personal level and showed a young audience that it was okay to miss your friends and to appreciate the time you have with them.
- Sue Ellen is a lonely child.
Sometimes, comments with good intentions can go awry. This is exactly what happened when D.W. accidentally called Sue Ellen a “lonely child” instead of an “only child.” The real savagery, though, is what Arthur says to D.W. when he corrects her. He snaps back, “It’s only children, D.W. A lonely child is what you’re going to be when I sell you.”
- Go home, Francine!
The characters on Arthur were known to be savage and say out-of-pocket statements to teach the importance of kindness. But wow. D.W. was absolutely brutal when she told Francine to get out. This scene was immortalized when it went viral as a Tik Tok sound, used by creators telling their siblings’ significant others to go home accompanied by the line, “Hey Francine, can I ask you a question? Why don’t you go back to your own house and stop bothering us?” Ruthless.
Arthur’s long tenure on PBS created a multi-generational fan base that will survive for years to come. Viewers will always have the pleasure of watching reruns of popular episodes, as well as the iconic moments that will live on in memes.