In 2006, BBC launched a ten part nature documentary series entitled, “Planet Earth.” The series took over five years to film. It brought to life animals, plants, and places that were unknown to millions around the world. The series was broadcasted in over 130 countries in many different languages, but the content still all the same. Now, after over more than a decade, the BBC has released their new expansion of the series, Planet Earth II.
Planet Earth II is a fresh new adventure featuring new places and animals all around the world. The series is brought back to life with the mesmerizing voice of David Attenborough. Planet Earth II will be a seven part series, while the original contained ten episodes. All episodes are around an hour long and each feature a different climate with animals. Parker Huhn, sophomore, was thrilled about the new series. Huhn said, “The first one, a decade ago, was amazing. I wish this series would be easier to view, but I’ll definitely watch it in time.”
The seven new episodes on Planet Earth II share some of the same titles as before, but they cover new unique stories. The seven episodes include Jungles, Islands, Mountains, Deserts, Grasslands, Cities, and A World of Wonder. Unlike the first series, Planet Earth II is filmed entirely in 4K ultra high definition, bringing a whole new layer of incredible detail to the series that already stood out for its fantastic camera work. The technological advancements in filming in the last decade bring viewers on a journey about the world around them.
All seven episodes of Planet Earth II are available on BBC America. There has not been any word of the series possibly getting put on Netflix for easier access. The collection is also available to be purchased on CD.