The Pleasant Valley Boys Baseball team is starting tryouts on May 1, 2017. The Spartans are looking forward to another year. Bill Sandry, the coach of the Spartans’ baseball team for the second year in a row, is preparing the boys for the season.
This is Sandry’s second year as head coach, and the boys on the team think Sandry is doing a great job with building up the program.
Being a team is very important, and Coach Sandry see’s this as well. He plans many events for all of the boys to hang out outside of baseball. The events vary from going to see a baseball game or hanging out at coach’s house and eating pizza. Coach Sandry has made it extremely easy for all of the boys to get along and have some fun.
Ryan Morrissey, senior, said, “Coach Sandry is very knowledgeable about baseball, and he is very good at his job. He is trying to change the atmosphere of Pleasant Valley Baseball to a team who wants to win, and I wouldn’t trade him for any other coach in the state.” Morrissey, as one of the varsity team captains, is trying to leave a lasting impression on the team.
Nick Acri, senior, said, “I enjoy being on the team; it’s easy to get along with everyone.. We have some talent on the team this year and I think we are going to surprise people.” Arci is another team captain on the baseball team and can’t wait for the season to begin.
The Spartans don’t know how they are going to perform this season. They all are working their hardest to get to state this year. The Spartans believe the team is more developed this year, and with Coach Sandry, they could make this year better than all the others.