Kook or a Pogue? Take this quiz to see which one you’d be!
Camp in a tent or an RV?
- Tent for sure
- Rv, duh!
Get your hands dirty or keep them clean?
- Get my hands dirty
- Keep em’ clean
Surf or Sun?
- Surfs up
- Gotta get my tan on
Spontaneous Adventure or Planned Vacay?
- Spontaneous Adventure
- Planned Vacation
Are you a big city or a small town type of person?
- Big City
- Small town for sure
Do things come easy for you?
- Yes
- No
Are you humble or a bragger?
- Humble
- I do brag a bit
What movie genre would you rather watch?
- Lots of Action
- Lots of Romance
Are you a money spender or saver?
- Spender
- Saver
If you chose mostly A you’re a…….. POGUE! You enjoy to experience the little things in life and just have fun with whatever comes your way!
If you chose mostly B you’re a…….. KOOK! You love to spend time with friends… at the country club or on a yacht. You enjoy life mainly with family!